Contact the Author at: runwstilettos (at) yahoo (dot) com
INTERVIEWS and GUEST POSTSBBC Radio Shetland interview "Good Evening Shetland" (audio)
Published Book of the Year (Florida Writers Assn.) Gold e-Lit Book Award Book of the Year Awards finalist (ForeWord Reviews) HECK ON HEELS Indie Excellence Award ("Inspiration") Book of the Year Awards finalist (ForeWord Reviews) Book of the Year Awards finalist (Chicago Writers Assn.) First Place Award (Illinois Woman's Press Assn.) Gold Mom's Choice Award RUNNING WITH STILETTOS First Place Award (Nat'l Federation of Press Women) Silver IPPY Award (Independent Publisher Book Awards) Finalist, Royal Palm Literary Awards Gold Moms' Choice Award AWARD WINNING ESSAYS "Love in the Time of Cupcakes" ROYAL PALM LITERARY AWARD finalist "Mink Recycling" ROYAL PALM LITERARY AWARD first place "Wildflower Seeds and Beer" NAT'L FED. OF PRESS WOMEN first place "May it Please the Court" ROYAL PALM LITERARY AWARD finalist 2008 & 2011 SILVER FEATHER AWARD WINNER Illinois Woman's Press Association |