It's the journey, not the destination...!

I bought the first pair of spike heels before I ever bought the cordless drill. The divorce came somewhere between those two things, and the chain saw was definitely something I had to work my way up to. Getting on the back of the Harley was a milestone that fell somewhere between the cordless drill and the chainsaw, but definitely AFTER I started gardening.
I think I'm finally starting to roll with this "work in progress" status. It sure beats a life with no surprises!
On paper, you could say that I've come full circle. Fresh out of college the first time, I joyfully entered the newspaper business, writing for a little more than a year as a staff reporter for the Milwaukee Journal. Marriage, motherhood and magazine writing followed shortly after, and I kept my hand in the business of pushing words around until they made feature articles while I changed diapers, drove to tennis and soccer and piano lessons, and baked cookies and cupcakes for just about every occasion. I was lucky enough to find a niche in the realm of public television magazines, and for seven years got to interview PBS stars by phone around the globe about their latest roles or series while I kept the trains running on time and the dinners warm for three kids, a husband, a dog and two elderly horses. When my fourth child came along, I finally put the writing to the side, figuring that I'd have enough on my plate to keep me busy. Plus, I reasoned, I'd I already interviewed just about everybody on PBS that I'd set my cap for.
Two years later, I picked up a pen and a pad of paper again, and started to write. I hadn't known I'd missed it so much until the words started to flow out of my imagination and on to the pages! But just as I was really feeling the groove, I took a hard fall off a tall horse going over a fence, and wound up in a body cast for three months with a broken back. (Trust me, nobody was more surprised than me at the diagnosis!) That was one of those things that can make you look back at the previous forks in the road and wonder "what if?" And so shortly after I got cut out of the cast, I took the law school entrance exams, got a law degree three and a half years after I started, and became a prosecuting attorney for the State of Wisconsin. I absolutely love the work I do and the folks that I work with. I didn't think I'd look back again but...friends who thought my emails and Christmas newsletters were a hoot nudged/pushed/dragged me into starting a blog, which we collaboratively named "Running with Stilettos: Living a Balanced Life in Dangerous Shoes."
I think I'm finally starting to roll with this "work in progress" status. It sure beats a life with no surprises!
On paper, you could say that I've come full circle. Fresh out of college the first time, I joyfully entered the newspaper business, writing for a little more than a year as a staff reporter for the Milwaukee Journal. Marriage, motherhood and magazine writing followed shortly after, and I kept my hand in the business of pushing words around until they made feature articles while I changed diapers, drove to tennis and soccer and piano lessons, and baked cookies and cupcakes for just about every occasion. I was lucky enough to find a niche in the realm of public television magazines, and for seven years got to interview PBS stars by phone around the globe about their latest roles or series while I kept the trains running on time and the dinners warm for three kids, a husband, a dog and two elderly horses. When my fourth child came along, I finally put the writing to the side, figuring that I'd have enough on my plate to keep me busy. Plus, I reasoned, I'd I already interviewed just about everybody on PBS that I'd set my cap for.
Two years later, I picked up a pen and a pad of paper again, and started to write. I hadn't known I'd missed it so much until the words started to flow out of my imagination and on to the pages! But just as I was really feeling the groove, I took a hard fall off a tall horse going over a fence, and wound up in a body cast for three months with a broken back. (Trust me, nobody was more surprised than me at the diagnosis!) That was one of those things that can make you look back at the previous forks in the road and wonder "what if?" And so shortly after I got cut out of the cast, I took the law school entrance exams, got a law degree three and a half years after I started, and became a prosecuting attorney for the State of Wisconsin. I absolutely love the work I do and the folks that I work with. I didn't think I'd look back again but...friends who thought my emails and Christmas newsletters were a hoot nudged/pushed/dragged me into starting a blog, which we collaboratively named "Running with Stilettos: Living a Balanced Life in Dangerous Shoes."